Here you can find GRASPS, which outline the Goal, Role, Audience, Situation, Product/Performance, and Standards by which the work will be assessed.

Please note that you can always self-assess a current draft, using the rubric of specific criteria, provided below the GRASPS outline.

Also, note that the GRASPS projects do vary, whether you are in College Prep or Honors.

Map Your Creative Journey ~College Prep 

Learning objective: Students will write a narrative essay and use sensory details to describe their creative journey.

While at ChiArts, you will be required to evaluate and reevaluate your creative process and product. This writing assignment asks you to pick one prompt and share where you're at in your creative journey.

Ø  Describe a moment when you had a "creative breakdown" and wanted to give up, or a time you experienced a "creative breakthrough" and experienced success as an artist. At the end of your piece, write a concluding paragraph that answers the question: How did this affect the way you look at yourself and your creativity?
Ø  Describe a moment when someone encouraged you to continue working on your creative art even though it was difficult. At the end of your piece, write a concluding paragraph that answers the question: How did this affect the way you look at yourself and your creativity?
Ø  Describe a moment when you faced a challenge in school or your personal life that required creativity. At the end of your piece, write a concluding paragraph that answers the question: How has that affected the way you look at yourself and your creativity?

Goal: Write a creative piece about your creative journey.

Role: An awesome freshman scholar/artist new to ChiArts.

Audience: Your English teacher who wants to get to know you as a scholar/artist.

Situation: Stated above.

Product: An essay or poem that uses at least 5 specific sense details (sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing) to excite the reader's senses.

Standard: Proper paper heading (Your Name, Date, Class Name, Teacher), Times New Roman, 12pt font, double spaced

Essay Word Count/
Poem Line Count


Sense Details
At least 5 specific sense details

At least 3 specific sense details

At least 1 specific sense detail
Paper Formatting
No Errors

2 Errors

4 Errors

Total:            /15

Map Your Creative Journey ~ Honors

Learning objective: Students will write a narrative essay and use sensory details to describe their creative journey.

While at ChiArts, you will be required to evaluate and reevaluate your creative process and product. This writing assignment asks you to pick one prompt and share where you're at in your creative journey.

Ø  Describe a moment when you had a "creative breakdown" and wanted to give up, or a time you experienced a "creative breakthrough" and experienced success as an artist. At the end of your piece, write a concluding paragraph that answers the question: How did this affect the way you look at yourself and your creativity?
Ø   Describe a moment when someone encouraged you to continue working on your creative art even though it was difficult. At the end of your piece, write a concluding paragraph that answers the question: How did this affect the way you look at yourself and your creativity?
Ø   Describe a moment when you faced a challenge in school or your personal life that required creativity. At the end of your piece, write a concluding paragraph that answers the question: How has that affected the way you look at yourself and your creativity?

Goal: Write a creative piece about your creative journey.

Role: An awesome freshman scholar/artist new to ChiArts.

Audience: Your English teacher who wants to get to know you as a scholar/artist.

Situation: Stated above.

Product: An essay or poem that uses at least 5 specific sense details (sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing) to excite the reader's senses.

Standard: Proper paper heading (Your Name, Date, Class Name, Teacher), Times New Roman, 12pt font, double spaced

Essay Word Count/
Poem Line Count


Sense Details
At least 7 specific sense details

At least 5 specific sense details

At least 3 specific sense details
Paper Formatting
No Errors

2 Errors

4 Errors

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